Registration Guide - (Registration is a 2 step process)

Step 1)   Club & Team Registration

Begin by logging into the YSSL website using your three letter Club Code and your Club Manager Password and this will bring you to your Club Page.     

For the Fall season, you will add all of your teams particpating for the full year (Fall / Spring) and provide home field, home game start time, team restriction dates, team contact, requested division & region, previous season's record, and seeding comments for all teams. For the Spring Season you will bring over your teams from the Fall season, add any new teams playing only in the Spring season and provide home field, home game start time, team restriction dates, team contact, requested division & region, previous season's record, and seeding comments for all teams.

To begin registration...

       -   Initially the button will be RED and the status "Registration Not Submitted". This means that the club has not yet submitted their teams for the season.

       -   Once submitted the button will change to YELLOW and the status will be "Pending". In this state the club cannot make changes to the teams. 

       -   Once the league approves the teams the button will be GREEN and the status will be "Approved".

1)   Click the "Club & Team Registration" button on the club page.

2)   On the "Club/Team Registration" page click on the "Club & Team Registration Wizard" Button.

      -   Wizard Step 1 - (Club) - Make any necessary changes to the club information and click the "Submit" button. If no change then click the "Next" button.

      -   Wizard Step 2 - (Clubmgr) - Make any necessary changes to the club contacts. (Club Manager, DOC & President). Once done click the "Next" button.

      -   Wizard Step 3 - (Fields) - (If you are a brand new club no fields will be listed). Please a
dd any home fields on which your teams will be playing this season, that do not currently show on the list of fields To do this follow these instructions.

             a)   Click the GREEN "Add Field" button.

             b)   From the field dropdown list select the name of your field.

             c)   If there are multiple fields at this location, in the "Designation" box add a meaningfull designation (ex. #2, or Field A - 9v9).

             d)   In the "Hours Available" box, please add the hours that this field is available for use.

             e)   Then click the "Submit" button. The system will bring you to a map page, please scroll down and click the "Submit" button again.

             f)   Only if your field name does not appear on the list choose "New Field" from the dropdown menu. This will prompt you to add in the new field name and information. Once all information is entered click the "Submit" button.

             g)   Once all your fields are added click the "Next" button.

      -   Wizard Step 4 - (Contacts) - Add any new club contacts (ex. Team Managers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches) that are not already on the list using the "Add Contact" button. Remove any contacts that are no longer valid using the "Delete" button. Edit any existing contacts on the list using the "Edit" button. When finished click the "Next" button.

      -   Wizard Step 5 - (Teams) - See below...

Add Teams for EXISTING CLUBS that played the previous season - If you had teams that played the previous season (ex. It is Fall registration and your teams played during the spring season) you can "roll" your teams over from the previous season.

             a)   You can choose "Add ALL teams from last season" make sure the small box to "automatically increment the age" of the team is checked and then click the "Submit" button. (The system will automatically add all the teams you had last season and make each one a Uage older.

             b)   If there are any teams that have "rolled" over from the previous season and will not be playing this season (ex. 16U-19U high school teams) please click the red "DEL" button to remove them.

             c)   To add any new teams use the Add Teams for NEW CLUBS to add any new teams.

             d)   Once done adding all existing and new teams, skip down to the Edit Teams section.

Add Teams for NEW CLUBS - If you are a brand new club there will not be any teams on this page initially and you will need to add all your teams manually.

             a)   Click the GREEN "Add Team" button.

             b)   From the Age/Division drop down choose the correct Uage (To figure out the correct Uage you can click this Birth Year/Season Link). (Important: If your team has applied to play in the IYSA Premiership or Midwest Conference/Qualifier, please select the correct Uage and either IYSA or MWC, when choosing your Uage for the team.)

            c)   In the "team name" box please enter the Team Name (Hint: the team name should be your club name, followed by the oldest player's birth year of the team, followed by any club designation. Ex. Defenders 2012 Elite)

            d)   Click the "Submit" button. Repeat steps these 4 steps until all your teams have been added. (Note: if it is the fall registration you do not need to add your teams that will play only in the Spring.)

Edit Teams for ALL CLUBSOnce the teams are added you will need to complete the information for each team.

             a)   Click the "EDIT" button next to the team name. Complete the following required and optional information.

             b)   Home Field (required) - From the dropdown select the field this team will be playing it's home games.

             c)   Preferred Game Time (required) - Enter the preferred time for your home games to start

             d)   Schedule Restrictions (optional) - If there are dates your team cannot play (Ex. playing in a tournament, HS graduation) enter the date (DD/MM/YY) in the boxes.

             e)   No Saturday/Sunday Games for Team (optional) - (Note: 7U-14U are normally scheduled to play on Saturdays and 15U-19U are normally scheduled to play on Sundays.) Click the check box if your team cannot play it's home games on the normally day, but instead need to play on the other weekend day.

             f)   Team Contact (required) - Select from the dropdown the person who will be the Team Contact for this team.

             g)   Requested Division (required) - You may select 1,2,3,4,5, club open, IYSA Premiership, or MRL. (Note: Club Open is for teams that do not want a YSSL generated schedule. If you choose IYSA Premiership or MRL, you MUST also complete the application to IYSA Premiership and Midwest Conference respectively on the IYSA website.)  

             h)   Requested Region (required) - (Note: If choosing Division 1, IYSA Premiership, or MRL, Requested Region not required) You may select North, South, East, or West. Please make your best guess for regionality. Additional regions will be added by the DOC Committee when seeding teams.

             i)   Last Season info (required) - (Note: This information can be found from the YSSL home page choose the dropdown for MORE thenPast Scores/Standings then select the previous season) Age Last Season, Division, Finish in Division, League Record

            j)   Seeding Comments (optional) - If you have a requested a division that does not make sense when looking at your previous season's record please enter information in this box as to why your are requesting the division you are.

            k)  When done click the "Submit" button.

When all the required information has been entered for each team click the "Next" button.

      -   Wizard Step 6 - (Review) Review your teams. The league fee associated for each team will be in the far right column and the total due for team fees will appear at the bottom of the page.

           a)   If all your teams are added and all their information is correct/complete please click the red "Submit Registration" button. (Important: If you have incomplete information you will see error messages displayed. Correct these and resubmit your teams.) If your submission is successful then please print a copy of the invoice for your records and send an email to the league at advising that your registration has been submitted and you are requesting the QB payment link be sent to you. This is the best way to get your invoice paid on time.

Important Note: You may exit the Wizard at any time and the system 
and go back in at a later time and will save all updates you have made thus far.

Step 2)   Player/Roster Registration

Begin by logging into the YSSL website using your three letter Club Code and your Club Manager Password and this will bring you to your Club Page.In the step you will add Players & Coaches for all New teams. 

In the step you will add Players and Coaches for all New teams

To begin registration...

       -   Initially the button will be RED and the status "Registration Not Submitted". This means that the club has not yet submitted their teams for the season.

       -   Once submitted the button will change to YELLOW and the status will be "Pending". In this state the club cannot make changes to the teams. 

       -   Once the league approves the teams the button will be GREEN and the status will be "Approved".

1)   Click the "Player/Roster Registration" button on the club page.

2)   On the "Player Registration" page you will see a list of all the teams added by your club. Any team that requires a Roster to be submitted will be indicated by "Registration not Submitted" in the Registration Status column. For any such team click the GREEN "Edit Roster" button to begin adding players & coaches to the roster.

3)   On the Roster Page click the "Player/Roster Registration Wizard" button.

      -   Wizard Step 1 - (Players) - Add, update and remove players as necessary.

Add players if the SAME TEAM played last season - (Note: if this team played last season and the players are mostly the same then you can "roll" over the players from last season's team)

           a)   From the dropdown "select last season's team" choose the team's name last season.

           b)   Click the BLUE "Get Players" button. All of the player's that were on the roster last season will automatically appear on the roster. (Very Important: Look over the players now showing on the roster and if one/any are not committed to this team for this season, click the RED "Remove" button to take them off the roster.) To add new players, skip down to the add NEW TEAM section.

Add players to a NEW TEAM - this is how you add players that have played before in the YSSL and also add brand new players that have never played before in the YSSL.

           a)   Click the GREEN "Add Player" button.

           b)   In the "Search" box type in the players last name and click the BLUE "Search" button. The system will pull up all players in the YSSL player database with that Last Name. Any players in your club's player pool will appear at the top of the list, the players with the same last name, but in other club's player pool will appear below that. (Important: The list may be long depending on the last name. If you do not see the player at the top of the list in your player pool, please do a "CTRL-F" search by First Name and/or DOB to see if the player already exists in the YSSL player database. This is important because you do not want to create a "duplicate" player.)

           c)   If you find the player in the list and they have the correct DOB, you will see one of three status to the left of the player's name.

                 -   "too old" - this means the player is too old to be added to this age group team

                 -   "on other roster" - this means the player has already been added to the roster of another team, that could be one of your club's other teams, or the team of another club. (Note: If it is a team from another club and you have the signed YSSL Player Commitment form for this player, please send an email to with the player's name stating they should be added to your club, to which of your rosters, and attach the Player Commitment form. The league will respond, do not create a new player.)

                 -   "Add to Roster" button - this means the player is eligible to be added to your roster. Click the "Add to roster" button.

           d)   Once you click to add the player there will be a pop up saying"PLAYER ADDED TO ROSTER. After adding all players YOU MUST click "SUBMIT ROSTER" (top right) to save the updated roster". Click the OK button.

           e)   The player will now appear on the left side under Team Roster. To commit the player to your roster you MUST click the RED "Submit Roster" button.

           f)    Once done adding all players and committing them to the Roster, click the BLUE " Back to Player Registration" button. This will return you to your Team Roster page and list all the players you have added to your roster.

           g)   For each player in the Birth Cert column and the Photo column you will see one of three icons.

                 -   GREEN Check Mark - this means a proof of age and/or player photo has previously been uploaded and approved by the league. (Nothing you need to do.)

                 -   ORANGE Arrow - this means a proof of age and/or player photo has been uploaded, but has not been verified and approved by the league (Nothing you need to do.)

                 -   RED X - this means no proof of age and/or player photo has been uploaded (You will need to upload a proof of age and/or player photo. This can be done in Wizard Step 3 & 4)

      -   Wizard Step 2 - (Coaches) - Add, update and remove coaches as necessary. (For new coaches: must upload a valid proof of coaching license and enter background check information.)

           a)   Click the BLUE "Select Coaches" button. This will list all the valid coaches for the club. (Note: If a coach is expired they will not appear on this list)

           b)   Click the radio button next to the name of the Head Coach and up to two Assistant Coaches.

           c)   Then scroll down and click the "Select Coaches" button. This will add the coaches and return you back to the Roster Wizard.

      -   Wizard Step 3 - (Photos) - Add Player photos for any players that had a RED X, in the Photo column.

           a)   Click the BLUE  "Upload Photos" button. This will show you a list of all the players on the roster. If they already have a photo uploaded you will see it to the left of their name. For those without a photo you will see a RED X to the left of their name.

           b)   To upload a new photo to a player that already has one or a photo to a player that does not have one, click the "Choose File" button next to their name. and select the photo from your computer. (Note: The photo must be on your computer and saved in a JPEG format.) Do this for all the players that need a photo uploaded.

           c)   Scroll to the bottom and click the BLUE "Upload Photos" button.

      -   Wizard Step 4 - (Docs) - Add Player Documents for any players that had a 
RED X, in the Birth Cert column.

           a)   Click the BLUE  "Upload Documents" button. This will show you a list of all the players on the roster. If they already have a POA uploaded you will see it to the left of their name. For those without a POA you will see a YELLOW Caution symbol to the left of their name.

           b)   To upload a proof of age to a player that does not have one, click the "Choose File" button next to their name. and select the proof of age from your computer. (Note: The POA must be on your computer and saved in a JPEG format.) Do this for all the players that need a POA uploaded.

           c)   Scroll to the bottom and click the BLUE "Upload Documents" button.

      -   Wizard Step 5 - (Review) - Review that all players and coaches have been added to the team along with required documentation.

           a)   You will see a pop up "Be sure to mouse over your photos! If the photo needs to be edited (cropped, rotated, etc.) click on the player name and use the "EDIT photo" button!"

           b)   (Important: Please mouse over each of your photos. If they are not a head shot, or if they are turned sideways that you fix them before submitting the Roster.)

           c)   Click on the player's name and it will bring up the "Edit Player Info" screen.

           d)   You may make updates to the Player's address, phone, Jersey # on this page. (Important: Make sure the Jersey number is corrected.)

           e)   Click the BLUE "Edit Photo" button.

            f)   If there is a pop up that the photo is too large, click the "Resize" button.

           g)   If the photo is turned sideways, click the "Rotate Right" or "Rotate Left" buttons.

           h)   To crop the photo, click and hold in the upper left corner above the head and drag to the lower right corner below the chin then release. Click the "Crop" button. Then click the GREEN "Save Changes" button.

           i)   Scroll to the bottom of the "Edit Player Info" screen and click the GREEN "Submit" button.

           c)   When complete click the GREEN "Submit Roster to League" button. (Note: Once submitted you will not have access to make updates to the rostered players until approved by the league.)

4)     Repeat for all teams where roster registration is required.

 last updated: 06/28/24 05:06pm