Goal Safety / Background Check / Kidsafe / Abuse Prevention

All clubs must complete and submit the Illinois Youth Soccer Association Organization Statement of Understanding & Agreement for the Fall/Spring soccer year by August 1 or new spring clubs by April 1.

Organization Statement of Understanding Form

1)   The Organization agrees to abide by the IYSA Goal Safety Policy (Rule 021-A).

2)   The Organization agrees to comply with the IYSA Risk Management Policy (Rule 019).

To assist you with the Background Check process you can use the link listed below for access to the IYSA's background search link that is processed through NGIN. This is an option available to clubs to assist with background checks if desired, however the fees involved ($18 per person) are the responsibility of the club and not the YSSL. With this service the club submits and pays for all covered individuals. Once the cleared Background Check is received the Date, Source & Reference Code are entered right on the YSSL website. These can then be verified by the League through NGIN. Otherwise if a different Background Check source is used the club will need to include the documentation/verification from whichever service you use that a background check has been completed for each listed individual.

              Background Check Link

3)   The Organization agrees that effective September 1, 2014 every Organization coach will have a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Head Up Concussion in Youth Sports Completion Certificate and the Organization will adopt and use the Illinois Youth Soccer Association Concussion Notification Form. Based on the advise of the US Soccer Medical Committee, the Organization agrees to abide by Illinois Youth Soccer's ban for players age 10 and younger (U11 and younger brackets) at all Illinois Youth Soccer activities including but not limited toIllinois Youth Soccer Member League play, practices and tournaments. A purposeful header by a player in any bracket for players age 10 and younger shall result in an indirect free kick awarded to the opponent.

            Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports Training Link
            IYSA Concussion Notification Form

4)  ILLINOIS YOUTH SOCCER RULE 029. ABUSE AND MISCONDUCT - IYSA and its member organizations and their personnel are responsible for protecting participants and ensuring their safety and well-being during their sponsored activities. 

Every YSSL member club shall adopt policies prohibiting sexual and physical abuse. Persons that have contact with athletes must successfully complete the US Olympic Committee SafeSport training or the AbusePreventionSystems SafeSport Training every year and submit a copy of their Certificate of Completion to their IYSA member organization.

          US Olympic Committee Safesport Link

Your club needs to comply with this policy in order to be in good standing with the IYSA and YSSL. 

All soccer clubs and independent teams associated with the YSSL must submit a completed Organization Statement of Understanding and Agreement. It is each club's responsibility to verify the results of each background check for compliance with the IYSA RM-1 Board Policy for Exclusion:

You can review the IYSA Risk Management Policy (Rule 019) and IYSA Goal Safety Policy (Rule 021-A) at www.illinoisyouthsoccer.org

DO NOT FORWARD INDIVIDUAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS. Individual disclore statements are to be kept in the strictest confidence by the individual clubs or independent teams.

The completed (signed and dated) Organization Statement of Understanding and Agreement form should be uploaded to your YSSL Club Page.

 last updated: 03/24/21 04:13pm