API Docs for: 3.18.1

Event Class

Module: event-base
Parent Module: event

The event utility provides functions to add and remove event listeners, event cleansing. It also tries to automatically remove listeners it registers during the unload event.

Item Index






  • filter
  • args
  • ce
Node | Node[] | Undefined protected

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:226

Walks up the parent axis of an event's target, and tests each element against a supplied filter function. If any Nodes, including the container, satisfy the filter, the delegated callback will be triggered for each.

Hosted as a protected property of the delegate method (e.g. Y.delegate._applyFilter).


  • filter Function

    boolean function to test for inclusion in event notification

  • args Array

    the arguments that would be passed to subscribers

  • ce CustomEvent

    the DOM event wrapper


Node | Node[] | Undefined:

The Node or Nodes that satisfy the filter


  • point
Array private

Helper method to convert a point relative to the node element into the point in the page coordination.


  • point Array

    A point relative to the node element.



The same point in the page coordination.


  • wrapper
private static

Defined in event/js/event-dom.js:797

Available since 3.4.0

Removes all object references and the DOM proxy subscription for a given event for a DOM node.


  • wrapper CustomEvent

    Custom event proxy for the DOM subscription


  • touchPoints
TouchList | Array private

Helper method to convert an array with touch points to TouchList object as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/



TouchList | Array:

If underlaying platform support creating touch list a TouchList object will be returned otherwise a fake Array object will be returned.


  • event
  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
  • delegate
  • context
protected static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:244

Called when the monitor(s) fires a touchend event (or the mouse equivalent). This method fires the 'tap' event if certain requirements are met.



() Array private

Helper method to get height/width while accounting for rotation/scale transforms where possible by using the bounding client rectangle height/width instead of the offsetWidth/Height which region uses.



Array with [height, width]


() TouchList | Array private

Helper method to return a singleton instance of empty touch list.


TouchList | Array:

An empty touch list object.


  • touches
  • targetTouches
  • changedTouches

Helper method to check the single touch.


  • touches TouchList
  • targetTouches TouchList
  • changedTouches TouchList


  • o
Boolean deprecated private static

Defined in event/js/event-dom.js:607

Deprecated: was not meant to be used directly

We want to be able to use getElementsByTagName as a collection to attach a group of events to. Unfortunately, different browsers return different types of collections. This function tests to determine if the object is array-like. It will also fail if the object is an array, but is empty.




true if the object is array-like and populated


() private static

hook up any deferred listeners


  • cb
  • path
  • duration

A base method on top of "move" and "flick" methods. The method takes the path with start/end properties and duration to generate a set of touch events for the movement gesture.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • path Object

    An object with "start" and "end" properties. Each property should be an array with x and y coordination (e.g. start: [100, 50])

  • duration Number

    A duration of the gesture in millisecond.


() private static

Polling function that runs before the onload event fires, attempting to attach to DOM Nodes as soon as they are available


  • target
  • type
  • options


  • target HTMLElement

    The DOM element that's the target of the event.

  • type String

    The type of event or name of the supported gesture to simulate (i.e., "click", "doubletap", "flick").

  • options Object

    (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object. For gestures, options are used to refine the gesture behavior.


  • event
  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
  • delegate
protected static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:166

Called when the monitor(s) are tapped on, either through touchstart or mousedown.



  • deg
Number private

Helper method to convert a degree to a radian.


  • deg Number

    A degree to be converted to a radian.



The degree in radian.


() private static

Removes all listeners registered by pe.event. Called automatically during the unload event.


  • type
  • fn
  • el
  • context
  • args
EventHandle static

Adds an event listener


  • type String

    The type of event to append

  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes

  • el String | HTMLElement | Array | NodeList

    An id, an element reference, or a collection of ids and/or elements to assign the listener to.

  • context Object

    optional context object

  • args Boolean | Object

    0..n arguments to pass to the callback



an object to that can be used to detach the listener


  • selector
Function static

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:183

Available since 3.2.0

Compiles a selector string into a filter function to identify whether Nodes along the parent axis of an event's target should trigger event notification.

This function is memoized, so previously compiled filter functions are returned if the same selector string is provided.

This function may be useful when defining synthetic events for delegate handling.

Hosted as a property of the delegate method (e.g. Y.delegate.compileFilter).


  • selector String

    the selector string to base the filtration on



  • type
  • config
  • force
SyntheticEvent static

Provided by the event-synthetic module.

Defined in event/js/synthetic.js:687

Available since 3.1.0

Defines a new event in the DOM event system. Implementers are responsible for monitoring for a scenario whereby the event is fired. A notifier object is provided to the functions identified below. When the criteria defining the event are met, call notifier.fire( [args] ); to execute event subscribers.

The first parameter is the name of the event. The second parameter is a configuration object which define the behavior of the event system when the new event is subscribed to or detached from. The methods that should be defined in this configuration object are on, detach, delegate, and detachDelegate. You are free to define any other methods or properties needed to define your event. Be aware, however, that since the object is used to subclass SyntheticEvent, you should avoid method names used by SyntheticEvent unless your intention is to override the default behavior.

This is a list of properties and methods that you can or should specify in the configuration object:

function (node, subscription, notifier) The implementation logic for subscription. Any special setup you need to do to create the environment for the event being fired--E.g. native DOM event subscriptions. Store subscription related objects and state on the subscription object. When the criteria have been met to fire the synthetic event, call notifier.fire(e). See Notifier's fire() method for details about what to pass as parameters.
function (node, subscription, notifier) The implementation logic for cleaning up a detached subscription. E.g. detach any DOM subscriptions added in on.
function (node, subscription, notifier, filter) The implementation logic for subscription via Y.delegate or node.delegate. The filter is typically either a selector string or a function. You can use Y.delegate.compileFilter(selectorString) to create a filter function from a selector string if needed. The filter function expects an event object as input and should output either null, a matching Node, or an array of matching Nodes. Otherwise, this acts like on DOM event subscriptions. Store subscription related objects and information on the subscription object. When the criteria have been met to fire the synthetic event, call notifier.fire(e) as noted above.
function (node, subscription, notifier) The implementation logic for cleaning up a detached delegate subscription. E.g. detach any DOM delegate subscriptions added in delegate.
(Object) The configuration object that will be used to instantiate the underlying CustomEvent. See Notifier's fire method for details.

function (argArray, fromDelegate) Optional method to extract any additional arguments from the subscription signature. Using this allows on or delegate signatures like node.on("hover", overCallback, outCallback).

When processing an atypical argument signature, make sure the args array is returned to the normal signature before returning from the function. For example, in the "hover" example above, the outCallback needs to be spliced out of the array. The expected signature of the args array for on() subscriptions is:

             [type, callback, target, contextOverride, argN...]

And for delegate():

             [type, callback, target, filter, contextOverride, argN...]

where target is the node the event is being subscribed for. You can see these signatures documented for Y.on() and Y.delegate() respectively.

Whatever gets returned from the function will be stored on the subscription object under subscription._extra.


function (sub, args) Compares a set of subscription arguments against a Subscription object to determine if they match. The default implementation compares the callback function against the second argument passed to Y.on(...) or node.detach(...) etc.


  • type String

    the name of the event

  • config Object

    the prototype definition for the new event (see above)

  • force Boolean

    override an existing event (use with caution)



the subclass implementation instance created to handle event subscriptions of this type


  • event
  • name

Provided by the event-outside module.

Defined in event/js/outside.js:48

Defines a new outside event to correspond with the given DOM event.

By default, the created synthetic event name will be the name of the event with "outside" appended (e.g. "click" becomes "clickoutside"). If you want a different name for the created Event, pass it as a second argument like so: Y.Event.defineOutside(eventType, "yonderclick").


  • event String

    DOM event

  • name String

    (optional) custom outside event name


  • type
  • fn
  • el
  • filter
  • context
  • args
EventHandle static

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:16

Sets up event delegation on a container element. The delegated event will use a supplied selector or filtering function to test if the event references at least one node that should trigger the subscription callback.

Selector string filters will trigger the callback if the event originated from a node that matches it or is contained in a node that matches it. Function filters are called for each Node up the parent axis to the subscribing container node, and receive at each level the Node and the event object. The function should return true (or a truthy value) if that Node should trigger the subscription callback. Note, it is possible for filters to match multiple Nodes for a single event. In this case, the delegate callback will be executed for each matching Node.

For each matching Node, the callback will be executed with its 'this' object set to the Node matched by the filter (unless a specific context was provided during subscription), and the provided event's currentTarget will also be set to the matching Node. The containing Node from which the subscription was originally made can be referenced as e.container.


  • type String

    the event type to delegate

  • fn Function

    the callback function to execute. This function will be provided the event object for the delegated event.

  • el String | Node

    the element that is the delegation container

  • filter String | Function

    a selector that must match the target of the event or a function to test target and its parents for a match

  • context Object

    optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.

  • args Object multiple

    0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function. These arguments will be added after the event object.



the detach handle


  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
  • filter
public static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:126

Event delegation for the 'tap' event. The delegated event will use a supplied selector or filtering function to test if the event references at least one node that should trigger the subscription callback.


node.delegate('tap', function (e) {
    Y.log('li a inside node was tapped.');
}, 'li a');



  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
public static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:112

Detaches all event subscriptions set up by the event-tap module



  • type
  • fn
  • el
Boolean static

Removes an event listener. Supports the signature the event was bound with, but the preferred way to remove listeners is using the handle that is returned when using Y.on


  • type String

    the type of event to remove.

  • fn Function

    the method the event invokes. If fn is undefined, then all event handlers for the type of event are removed.

  • el String | HTMLElement | Array | NodeList | EventHandle

    An event handle, an id, an element reference, or a collection of ids and/or elements to remove the listener from.



true if the unbind was successful, false otherwise.


  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
public static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:151

Detaches the delegated event subscriptions set up by the event-tap module. Only used if you use node.delegate(...) instead of node.on(...);



  • cb
  • point
  • axis
  • distance
  • duration

The "flick" gesture is a specialized "move" that has some velocity and the movement always runs either x or y axis. The velocity is calculated with "distance" and "duration" arguments. If the calculated velocity is below than the minimum velocity, the given duration will be ignored and new duration will be created to make a valid flick gesture.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • point Array

    A point(relative to the top left corner of the target node element) where the flick gesture should start. The default is the center of the taget node.

  • axis String

    Either "x" or "y".

  • distance Number

    A distance in pixels to flick.

  • duration Number

    A duration of the gesture in millisecond.


  • el
String static

Generates an unique ID for the element if it does not already have one.


  • el Object

    the element to create the id for



the resulting id of the element


  • e
  • el
Event static

Finds the event in the window object, the caller's arguments, or in the arguments of another method in the callstack. This is executed automatically for events registered through the event manager, so the implementer should not normally need to execute this function at all.


  • e Event

    the event parameter from the handler

  • el HTMLElement

    the element the listener was attached to



the event


  • el
  • type
CustomEvent static

Returns all listeners attached to the given element via addListener. Optionally, you can specify a specific type of event to return.


  • el HTMLElement | String

    the element or element id to inspect

  • type String

    optional type of listener to return. If left out, all listeners will be returned



the custom event wrapper for the DOM event(s)


  • cb
  • path
  • duration

The "move" gesture simulate the movement of any direction between the straight line of start and end point for the given duration. The path argument is an object with "point", "xdist" and "ydist" properties. The "point" property is an array with x and y coordinations(relative to the top left corner of the target node element) while "xdist" and "ydist" properties are used for the distance along the x and y axis. A negative distance number can be used to drag either left or up direction.

If no arguments are given, it will simulate the default move, which is moving 200 pixels from the center of the element to the positive X-axis direction for 1 sec.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • path Object

    An object with "point", "xdist" and "ydist".

  • duration Number

    A duration of the gesture in millisecond.


  • el
  • type
  • fn
  • capture
private static

Adds a DOM event directly without the caching, cleanup, context adj, etc


  • el HTMLElement

    the element to bind the handler to

  • type String

    the type of event handler

  • fn Function

    the callback to invoke

  • capture Boolean

    capture or bubble phase


  • el
  • type
  • fn
  • capture
private static

Basic remove listener


  • el HTMLElement

    the element to bind the handler to

  • type String

    the type of event handler

  • fn Function

    the callback to invoke

  • capture Boolean

    capture or bubble phase


  • thisObj
  • args
  • ce
Boolean private static

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:129

Available since 3.2.0

Overrides the _notify method on the normal DOM subscription to inject the filtering logic and only proceed in the case of a match.

This method is hosted as a private property of the delegate method (e.g. Y.delegate.notifySub)


  • thisObj Object

    default 'this' object for the callback

  • args Array

    arguments passed to the event's fire()

  • ce CustomEvent

    the custom event managing the DOM subscriptions for the subscribed event on the subscribing node.



false if the event was stopped


  • node
  • subscription
  • notifier
public static

Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:92

This function should set up the node that will eventually fire the event.


node.on('tap', function (e) {
    Y.log('the node was tapped on');



  • id
  • fn
  • p_obj
  • p_override
  • checkContent
deprecated static

Defined in event/js/event-dom.js:190

Deprecated: Use Y.on("available")

Executes the supplied callback when the item with the supplied id is found. This is meant to be used to execute behavior as soon as possible as the page loads. If you use this after the initial page load it will poll for a fixed time for the element. The number of times it will poll and the frequency are configurable. By default it will poll for 10 seconds.

The callback is executed with a single parameter: the custom object parameter, if provided.


  • id String | | String[]

    the id of the element, or an array of ids to look for.

  • fn Function

    what to execute when the element is found.

  • p_obj Object

    an optional object to be passed back as a parameter to fn.

  • p_override Boolean | Object

    If set to true, fn will execute in the context of p_obj, if set to an object it will execute in the context of that object

  • checkContent Boolean

    check child node readiness (onContentReady)


  • id
  • fn
  • obj
  • override
deprecated static

Defined in event/js/event-dom.js:261

Deprecated: Use Y.on("contentready")

Works the same way as onAvailable, but additionally checks the state of sibling elements to determine if the content of the available element is safe to modify.

The callback is executed with a single parameter: the custom object parameter, if provided.


  • id String

    the id of the element to look for.

  • fn Function

    what to execute when the element is ready.

  • obj Object

    an optional object to be passed back as a parameter to fn.

  • override Boolean | Object

    If set to true, fn will execute in the context of p_obj. If an object, fn will exectute in the context of that object


  • cb
  • center
  • startRadius
  • endRadius
  • duration
  • start
  • rotation

The "rotate" and "pinch" methods are essencially same with the exact same arguments. Only difference is the required parameters. The rotate method requires "rotation" parameter while the pinch method requires "startRadius" and "endRadius" parameters.

The "pinch" gesture can simulate various 2 finger gestures such as pinch, spread and/or rotation. The "startRadius" and "endRadius" are required. If endRadius is larger than startRadius, it becomes a spread gesture otherwise a pinch gesture.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • center Array

    A center point where the pinch gesture of two fingers should happen. It is relative to the top left corner of the target node element.

  • startRadius Number

    A radius of start circle where 2 fingers are on when the gesture starts. This paramenter is required.

  • endRadius Number

    A radius of end circle where 2 fingers will be on when the pinch or spread gestures are completed. This parameter is required.

  • duration Number

    A duration of the gesture in millisecond.

  • start Number

    A start angle(0 degree at 12 o'clock) where the gesture should start. Default is 0.

  • rotation Number

    If rotation is desired during the pinch or spread gestures, this parameter can be used. Default is 0 degree.


  • el
  • recurse
  • type

Removes all listeners attached to the given element via addListener. Optionally, the node's children can also be purged. Optionally, you can specify a specific type of event to remove.


  • el HTMLElement

    the element to purge

  • recurse Boolean

    recursively purge this element's children as well. Use with caution.

  • type String

    optional type of listener to purge. If left out, all listeners will be removed


  • cb
  • center
  • startRadius
  • endRadius
  • duration
  • start
  • rotation

The "rotate" and "pinch" methods are essencially same with the exact same arguments. Only difference is the required parameters. The rotate method requires "rotation" parameter while the pinch method requires "startRadius" and "endRadius" parameters.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • center Array

    A center point where the pinch gesture of two fingers should happen. It is relative to the top left corner of the target node element.

  • startRadius Number

    A radius of start circle where 2 fingers are on when the gesture starts. This is optional. The default is a fourth of either target node width or height whichever is smaller.

  • endRadius Number

    A radius of end circle where 2 fingers will be on when the pinch or spread gestures are completed. This is optional. The default is a fourth of either target node width or height whichever is less.

  • duration Number

    A duration of the gesture in millisecond.

  • start Number

    A start angle(0 degree at 12 o'clock) where the gesture should start. Default is 0.

  • rotation Number

    A rotation in degree. It is required.


  • target
  • type
  • options

Provided by the event-simulate module.

Defined in event-simulate/js/event-simulate.js:893

Simulates the event or gesture with the given name on a target.


  • target HTMLElement

    The DOM element that's the target of the event.

  • type String

    The type of event or name of the supported gesture to simulate (i.e., "click", "doubletap", "flick").

  • options Object

    (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object. For gestures, options are used to refine the gesture behavior.


  • node
  • name
  • [options]
  • [cb]

Simulates the higher user level gesture of the given name on a target. This method generates a set of low level touch events(Apple specific gesture events as well for the iOS platforms) asynchronously. Note that gesture simulation is relying on Y.Event.simulate() method to generate the touch events under the hood. The Y.Event.simulate() method itself is a synchronous method.

Users are suggested to use Node.simulateGesture() method which basically calls this method internally. Supported gestures are tap, doubletap, press, move, flick, pinch and rotate.

The pinch gesture is used to simulate the pinching and spreading of two fingers. During a pinch simulation, rotation is also possible. Essentially pinch and rotate simulations share the same base implementation to allow both pinching and rotation at the same time. The only difference is pinch requires start and end option properties while rotate requires rotation option property.

The pinch and rotate gestures can be described as placing 2 fingers along a circle. Pinching and spreading can be described by start and end circles while rotation occurs on a single circle. If the radius of the start circle is greater than the end circle, the gesture becomes a pinch, otherwise it is a spread spread.


  • node HTMLElement | Node

    The YUI node or HTML element that's the target of the event.

  • name String

    The name of the supported gesture to simulate. The supported gesture name is one of "tap", "doubletap", "press", "move", "flick", "pinch" and "rotate".

  • [options] Object optional

    Extra options used to define the gesture behavior:

     Valid options properties for the tap gesture:
    • [point] Array optional

      (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates where the tap should be simulated. Default is the center of the node element.

    • [hold=10] Number optional

      (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds. This is the time between touchstart and touchend event generation.

    • [times=1] Number optional

      (Optional) Indicates the number of taps.

    • [delay=10] Number optional

      (Optional) The number of milliseconds before the next tap simulation happens. This is valid only when times is more than 1.

       Valid options properties for the doubletap gesture:
    • [point] Array optional

      (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates where the doubletap should be simulated. Default is the center of the node element.

       Valid options properties for the press gesture:
    • [point] Array optional

      (Optional) Indicates the [x,y] coordinates where the press should be simulated. Default is the center of the node element.

    • [hold=3000] Number optional

      (Optional) The hold time in milliseconds. This is the time between touchstart and touchend event generation. Default is 3000ms (3 seconds).

       Valid options properties for the move gesture:
    • [path] Object optional

      (Optional) Indicates the path of the finger movement. It's an object with three optional properties: point, xdist and ydist.

      • [point] Array optional
        A starting point of the gesture. Default is the center of the node element.
      • [xdist=200] Number optional
        A distance to move in pixels along the X axis. A negative distance value indicates moving left.
      • [ydist=0] Number optional
        A distance to move in pixels along the Y axis. A negative distance value indicates moving up.
    • [duration=1000] Number optional

      (Optional) The duration of the gesture in milliseconds.

       Valid options properties for the flick gesture:
    • [point] Array optional

      (Optional) Indicates the [x, y] coordinates where the flick should be simulated. Default is the center of the node element.

    • [axis='x'] String optional

      (Optional) Valid values are either "x" or "y". Indicates axis to move along. The flick can move to one of 4 directions(left, right, up and down).

    • [distance=200] Number optional

      (Optional) Distance to move in pixels

    • [duration=1000] Number optional

      (Optional) The duration of the gesture in milliseconds. User given value could be automatically adjusted by the framework if it is below the minimum velocity to be a flick gesture.

       Valid options properties for the pinch gesture:
    • [center] Array optional

      (Optional) The center of the circle where two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.

    • [r1] Number optional

      (Required) Pixel radius of the start circle where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are centered at the center of the element.

    • [r2] Number optional

      (Required) Pixel radius of the end circle when this gesture ends.

    • [duration=1000] Number optional

      (Optional) The duration of the gesture in milliseconds.

    • [start=0] Number optional

      (Optional) Starting degree of the first finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0 (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).

    • [rotation=0] Number optional

      (Optional) Degrees to rotate from the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the counter-clockwise direction.

       Valid options properties for the rotate gesture:
    • [center] Array optional

      (Optional) The center of the circle where two fingers are placed. Default is the center of the node element.

    • [r1] Number optional

      (Optional) Pixel radius of the start circle where 2 fingers will be on when the gesture starts. The circles are centered at the center of the element. Default is a fourth of the node element width or height, whichever is smaller.

    • [r2] Number optional

      (Optional) Pixel radius of the end circle when this gesture ends. Default is a fourth of the node element width or height, whichever is smaller.

    • [duration=1000] Number optional

      (Optional) The duration of the gesture in milliseconds.

    • [start=0] Number optional

      (Optional) Starting degree of the first finger. The value is relative to the path of the north. Default is 0 (i.e., 12:00 on a clock).

    • [rotation] Number optional

      (Required) Degrees to rotate from the starting degree. A negative value means rotation to the counter-clockwise direction.

  • [cb] Function optional

    The callback to execute when the asynchronouse gesture simulation is completed.

    • err Error

      An error object if the simulation is failed.


var node = Y.one("#target");

// double tap example
node.simulateGesture("doubletap", function() {
    // my callback function

// flick example from the center of the node, move 50 pixels down for 50ms)
node.simulateGesture("flick", {
    axis: y,
    distance: -100
    duration: 50
}, function() {
    // my callback function

// simulate rotating a node 75 degrees counter-clockwise
node.simulateGesture("rotate", {
    rotation: -75

// simulate a pinch and a rotation at the same time.
// fingers start on a circle of radius 100 px, placed at top/bottom
// fingers end on a circle of radius 50px, placed at right/left
node.simulateGesture("pinch", {
    r1: 100,
    r2: 50,
    start: 0
    rotation: 90


() private static


  • cb
  • point
  • times
  • hold
  • delay

The "tap" gesture can be used for various single touch point gestures such as single tap, N number of taps, long press. The default is a single tap.


  • cb Function

    The callback to execute when the gesture simulation is completed.

  • point Array

    A point(relative to the top left corner of the target node element) where the tap gesture should start. The default is the center of the taget node.

  • times Number

    The number of taps. Default is 1.

  • hold Number

    The hold time in milliseconds between "touchstart" and "touchend" event generation. Default is 10ms.

  • delay Number

    The time gap in millisecond between taps if this gesture has more than 1 tap. Default is 10ms.



Unknown private static

onAvailable listeners


RegExp protected

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:209

Available since 3.8.1

Regex to test for disabled elements during filtering. This is only relevant to IE to normalize behavior with other browsers, which swallow events that occur to disabled elements. IE fires the event from the parent element instead of the original target, though it does preserve event.srcElement as the disabled element. IE also supports disabled on <a>, but the event still bubbles, so it acts more like e.preventDefault() plus styling. That issue is not handled here because other browsers fire the event on the <a>, so delegate is supported in both cases.


Unknown private static

document readystate poll handle


Unknown private static

Custom event wrapper map DOM events. Key is Element uid stamp. Each item is a hash of custom event wrappers as provided in the _wrappers collection. This provides the infrastructure for getListeners.


Unknown private static

poll handle


Boolean private static

True after the onload event has fired


Unknown private static

The number of times to poll after window.onload. This number is increased if additional late-bound handlers are requested after the page load.


CustomEvent private static

Custom event wrappers for DOM events. Key is 'event:' + Element uid stamp + event type


Boolean static

True when the document is initially usable


Error static

addListener/removeListener can throw errors in unexpected scenarios. These errors are suppressed, the method returns false, and this property is set


Int final static

The poll interval in milliseconds


Int final static

The number of times we should look for elements that are not in the DOM at the time the event is requested after the document has been loaded. The default is 1000@amp;40 ms, so it will poll for 40 seconds or until all outstanding handlers are bound (whichever comes first).



Provided by the event-tap module.

Defined in event/js/tap.js:50

Sets up a "tap" event, that is fired on touch devices in response to a tap event (finger down, finder up). This event can be used instead of listening for click events which have a 500ms delay on most touch devices. This event can also be listened for using node.delegate().

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes. It receives the event facade of the underlying DOM event.