API Docs for: 3.18.1

File: handlebars/js/yui-handlebars-base-after.js

// This file contains YUI-specific wrapper code and overrides for the
// handlebars-base module.

Handlebars.VERSION += '-yui';

Registers a helper function that will be made available to all templates.

Helper functions receive the current template context as the `this` object, and
can also receive arguments passed by the template.


    Y.Handlebars.registerHelper('linkify', function () {
        return '<a href="' + Y.Escape.html(this.url) + '">' +
            Y.Escape.html(this.text) + '</a>';

    var source = '<ul>{{#links}}<li>{{{linkify}}}</li>{{/links}}</ul>';

    Y.Handlebars.render(source, {
        links: [
            {url: '/foo', text: 'Foo'},
            {url: '/bar', text: 'Bar'},
            {url: '/baz', text: 'Baz'}

@method registerHelper
@param {String} name Name of this helper.
@param {Function} fn Helper function.
@param {Boolean} [inverse=false] If `true`, this helper will be considered an
    "inverse" helper, like "unless". This means it will only be called if the
    expression given in the template evaluates to a false or empty value.

Registers a partial that will be made available to all templates.

A partial is another template that can be used to render part of a larger
template. For example, a website with a common header and footer across all its
pages might use a template for each page, which would call shared partials to
render the headers and footers.

Partials may be specified as uncompiled template strings or as compiled template


    Y.Handlebars.registerPartial('header', '<h1>{{title}}</h1>');
    Y.Handlebars.registerPartial('footer', 'Copyright (c) 2011 by Me.');

    var source = '{{> header}} <p>Mustaches are awesome!</p> {{> footer}}';

    Y.Handlebars.render(source, {title: 'My Page About Mustaches'});

@method registerPartial
@param {String} name Name of this partial.
@param {Function|String} partial Template string or compiled template function.

Converts a precompiled template into a renderable template function.


    <script src="precompiled-template.js"></script>
    YUI().use('handlebars-base', function (Y) {
        // Convert the precompiled template function into a renderable template
        // function.
        var template = Y.Handlebars.template(precompiledTemplate);

        // Render it.
        template({pie: 'Pumpkin'});

@method template
@param {Function} template Precompiled Handlebars template function.
@return {Function} Compiled template function.

// Alias for Y.Handlebars.template(), used by Y.Template.
Handlebars.revive = Handlebars.template;

// Make Y.Template.Handlebars an alias for Y.Handlebars.
Y.namespace('Template').Handlebars = Handlebars;