Example: Address Completion on Google's Geocoding Service

This example demonstrates how to provide AutoComplete suggestions for an address calling Google's Geocoding Service.

Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into geographic coordinates. The Google Geocoding API provides a direct way to access a geocoder via an HTTP request.

Google's Geocoding Service returns a JSON object literal. The service does not provide a JSONP API. AutoComplete cannot use that object directly for security reasons. So the workaround is calling the service using YQL as source.

Note: If the geocoding service is unavailable, you can try this example with mock data. Try typing in "10 main st" to see the results.

  • Latitude:
  • Longitude:

Complete Example Source


YUI().use('autocomplete', function (Y) {
    var acNode = Y.one('#ac-input');

    acNode.plug(Y.Plugin.AutoComplete, {
        // Highlight the first result of the list.
        activateFirstItem: true,

        // The list of the results contains up to 10 results.
        maxResults: 10,

        // To display the suggestions, the minimum of typed chars is five.
        minQueryLength: 5,

        // Number of milliseconds to wait after user input before triggering a
        // `query` event. This is useful to throttle queries to a remote data
        // source.
        queryDelay: 500,

        // Handling the list of results is mandatory, because the service can be
        // unavailable, can return an error, one result, or an array of results.
        // However `resultListLocator` needs to always return an array.
        resultListLocator: function (response) {
            // Makes sure an array is returned even on an error.
            if (response.error) {
                return [];

            var query = response.query.results.json,

            if (query.status !== 'OK') {
                return [];

            // Grab the actual addresses from the YQL query.
            addresses = query.results;

            // Makes sure an array is always returned.
            return addresses.length > 0 ? addresses : [addresses];

        // When an item is selected, the value of the field indicated in the
        // `resultTextLocator` is displayed in the input field.
        resultTextLocator: 'formatted_address',

        // {query} placeholder is encoded, but to handle the spaces correctly,
        // the query is has to be encoded again:
        // "my address" -> "my%2520address" // OK => {request}
        // "my address" -> "my%20address"   // OK => {query}
        requestTemplate: function (query) {
            return encodeURI(query);

        // {request} placeholder, instead of the {query} one, this will insert
        // the `requestTemplate` value instead of the raw `query` value for
        // cases where you actually want a double-encoded (or customized) query.
        source: 'SELECT * FROM json WHERE ' +
                    'url="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?' +
                        'sensor=false&' +

        // Automatically adjust the width of the dropdown list.
        width: 'auto'

    // Adjust the width of the input container.
    acNode.ac.after('resultsChange', function () {
        var newWidth = this.get('boundingBox').get('offsetWidth');
        acNode.setStyle('width', Math.max(newWidth, 100));

    // Fill the `lat` and `lng` fields when the user selects an item.
    acNode.ac.on('select', function (e) {
        var location = e.result.raw.geometry.location;

        Y.one('#locationLat').set('text', location.lat);
        Y.one('#locationLng').set('text', location.lng);


Note: be sure to add the yui3-skin-sam classname to the page's <body> element or to a parent element of the widget in order to apply the default CSS skin. See Understanding Skinning.

<div id="demo" class="yui3-skin-sam"> <!-- You need this skin class -->

        <label for="ac-input">Enter an address:</label>
        <input id="ac-input" type="text" />

        <li>Latitude: <strong id="locationLat"></strong></li>
        <li>Longitude: <strong id="locationLng"></strong></li>