This example shows how to create a Chart
with multiple value axes.
Creating a Chart
with multiple axes.
Multiple axes charts are useful for comparing trends in two or more data sets whose numeric range differs greatly. In this example, we'll create two NumericAxis
through the
attribute. By defining a separate axis for each key in our data provider, we can plot percentages and dollar sales on the same graph.
#mychart { margin:10px 10px 10px 10px; width:90%; max-width: 800px; height:400px; }
<div id="mychart"></div>
YUI().use('charts', function (Y) { var myDataValues = [ {month:"January", internetSales: 110000, percentOfRevenue: 25}, {month:"February", internetSales: 333500, percentOfRevenue: 28}, {month:"March", internetSales: 90500, percentOfRevenue: 15}, {month:"April", internetSales: 255550, percentOfRevenue: 21}, {month:"May", internetSales: 445000, percentOfRevenue: 33}, {month:"June", internetSales: 580000, percentOfRevenue: 38} ]; //Define axes and assign keys var myAxes = { percentage: { type:"numeric", position:"right", keys:["percentOfRevenue"], labelFormat: {suffix:"%"} }, sales: { type:"numeric", position:"left", keys:["internetSales"], labelFormat: { prefix:"$", thousandsSeparator:"," } } }; //Define a series collection so that we can assign nice display names var mySeries = [ {type:"combo", yKey:"internetSales", yDisplayName:"Internet Sales", xDisplayName:"Month"}, {type:"combo", yKey:"percentOfRevenue", yDisplayName:"Percent of Total Revenue", xDisplayName:"Month"} ]; var mychart = new Y.Chart({ dataProvider:myDataValues, categoryKey:"month", axes:myAxes, seriesCollection:mySeries, render:"#mychart" }); });