Using the paginator.
Getting started
Because DataTable Paginator comes with it's own UI, there really isn't much mark up we need to get started.
<div id="dtable"></div>
After that we need to right align our numbers.
<style> .numeric { text-align: right; } </style>
That's it! Just a place to put the table when we render it and some formatting on the columns containing numbers.
For this example we create an Array of data out of 185 words and some random numbers. We add in some formatting to make it a little prettier. Finally we create a "total" column multiplying the price and quantity values.
YUI().use('datatable', 'datatable-paginator', 'datatype-number', function (Y) { var foods = ('Achoccha|Amaranth|Angelica|...|Watermelon|Yams').split('|'), data = [], i, len; for (i = 0, len = foods.length; i < len; i++) { data.push({ id: i + 1, name: foods[i], price: Math.round((Math.random()) * 500) / 500, qty: Math.ceil(len * Math.random()) }); } var table = new Y.DataTable({ columns: [ { key: 'id', label: ' ', width: '70px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'name', label: 'Food' }, { key: 'price', label: 'Price', formatter: function (o) { return Y.Number.format(, { prefix: "$", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2 }) }, width: '100px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'qty', label: 'QTY', width: '80px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'fn', label: 'Price', formatter: function(o) { return Y.Number.format( *, { prefix: "$", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2 }); }, width: '120px', className: 'numeric' } ], data: data }); table.render('#dtable'); });
At this point it's just a typical datatable. A datatable with 185 rows! We
were hoping to have something a little easier to read. All we need to do is
define the number of row per page with rowsPerPage
. Any number greater than
zero (0) will do the trick.
table.set('rowsPerPage', 10);
We can also add a UI controller to the header.
table.set('paginatorLocation', ['header', 'footer']);
All the code!
For simplicity, we put our paginator specifics in the configuration object.
<style> .numeric { text-align: right; } </style> <div id="dtable"></div> <script> YUI().use('datatable', 'datatable-paginator', 'datatype-number', function (Y) { var foods = ('Achoccha|Amaranth|Angelica|Anise|Apple|Arrowroot|Arrugula|' + 'Artichoke|Asparagus|Atemoya|Avocado|Balsam Apple|Balsam Pe' + 'ar|Bambara groundnut|Bamboo|Banana and Plantains|Barbados ' + 'Cherry|Beans|Beet|Blackberry|Blueberry|Bok Choy|Boniato (T' + 'ropical Sweetpotato, also Batatas or Carnote)|Broccoli|Bro' + 'ccoli|Brussels sprouts|Bunch Grape|Burdock|Cabbage|Calabaz' + 'a (Tropical Pumpkin)|Cantaloupes and Muskmelons|Capers|Car' + 'ambola (Star Fruit)|Cardoon|Carrot|Cassava (Spanish common' + ' name Yuca)|Cauliflower|Celeriac|Celery|Celtuce|Chard|Chay' + 'a|Chayote|Chicory|Chinese Cabbage (Bok Choy)|Chinese Jujub' + 'e|Chinese Radish|Chives|Chrysanthemum|Chufa|Cilantro|Citro' + 'n|Coconut Palm|Collards|Comfrey|Corn salad|Corn|Cuban Swee' + 't Potato|Cucumber|Cushcush|Daikon|Dandelion|Dasheen|Dill|E' + 'ggplant|Endive|Eugenia|Fennel|Fig|Galia Muskmelon|Garbanzo' + '|Garlic|Gherkin, West Indian|Ginger|Ginseng|Gourds|Grape|G' + 'uar|Guava|Hanover Salad|Horseradish|Horseradish tree|Huckl' + 'eberry|Ice Plant|Jaboticaba|Jackfruit|Jicama|Jojoba|Kale|K' + 'angkong|Kohlrabi|Leek|Lentils|Lettuce|Longan|Loquat|Lovage' + '|Luffa Gourd|Lychee|Macadamia|Malanga (also called Tannia ' + 'or Tanier)|Mamey Sapote|Mango|Martynia|Melon|Momordica|Mus' + 'cadine Grape|Mushroom|Muskmelons and Cantaloupes|Mustard|M' + 'ustard collard|Mustard, potherb|Naranjillo|Nasturtium|Nect' + 'arine|Okra|Onion|Orach|Oriental Persimmon|Papaya|Paprika|P' + 'arsley|Parsley root|Parsnip|Passion Fruit|Peach|Peas|Peanu' + 't Production|Pear|Pecan|Pepper|Persimmon|Pimiento|Pineappl' + 'e|Pineapple Guava|Pitaya|Plum|Pokeweed|Pomegranate|Potato|' + 'Pumpkin|Purslane|Radicchio|Radish|Rakkyo|Rampion|Raspberry' + '|Rhubarb|Romaine Lettuce|Roselle|Rutabaga|Saffron|Salsify|' + 'Sapodilla|Sarsaparilla|Sassafrass|Scorzonera|Sea kale|Seag' + 'rape|Shallot|Skirret|Smallage|Sorrel|Southern pea|Soybeans' + '|Spinach|Spondias|Squash|Strawberries|Sugar Apple|Swamp Ca' + 'bbage|Sweet Basil|Sweet Corn|Sweet potato|Swiss Chard|Toma' + 'tillo|Tomato|Truffles|Turnip|Upland cress|Water celery|Wat' + 'erchestnut|Watercress|Watermelon|Yams').split('|'), data = [], i, len; for (i = 0, len = foods.length; i < len; i++) { data.push({ id: i + 1, name: foods[i], price: Math.round((Math.random()) * 500) / 500, qty: Math.ceil(len * Math.random()) }); } var table = new Y.DataTable({ columns: [ { key: 'id', label: ' ', width: '70px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'name', label: 'Food' }, { key: 'price', label: 'Price', formatter: function (o) { return Y.Number.format(, { prefix: "$", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2 }) }, width: '100px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'qty', label: 'QTY', width: '80px', className: 'numeric' }, { key: 'fn', label: 'Price', formatter: function(o) { return Y.Number.format( *, { prefix: "$", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", decimalPlaces: 2 }); }, width: '120px', className: 'numeric' } ], data: data, rowsPerPage: 10, paginatorLocation: ['header', 'footer'] }); table.render('#dtable'); }); </script>