Example: Request XML data from Yahoo! Weather

This example demonstrates how to use IO to make a cross-domain request to http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss. To try out the example, fill in your five-digit US zip code, or Location ID.


  • For Security reasons, YUI has removed all Flash files from the repository. As a result, this example will not function as it relies on Flash for the cross-domain transport. The code for this example will work if you compile and host the io.swf file. Necessary source files for compilation are available in the yui3-swfs repository.
  • This example will not function on iOS devices due to the usage of Flash as the cross-domain transport. This example may not work on older Android devices, as well.

Please enter a U.S. Zip Code or a Location ID to get the current temperature. The default is Zip Code 94089 for Sunnyvale, California; its location ID is: USCA1116.

  • Weather RSS data will appear here.
  • Exploring the Code for This Example

    Create a YUI instance, using IO, for this example:

    //Create a YUI instance including support for cross-domain IO:
    YUI().use("io-xdr", "node", function(Y) {
        // Y is the YUI instance.
        // The rest of the following code is encapsulated in this
        // anonymous function.
    } );
    //Configure the cross-domain transport:
    var xdrConfig = {
        id:'flash', //We'll reference this id in the xdr configuration of our transaction.
        src:'io.swf' //Relative path to the .swf file from the current page.

    Callback Object and the Weather RSS

    Yahoo! Weather RSS will return an XML document if the transaction is successful. The following success callback handlers is used to process the response.

    //Define a function to handle a successful response from
    //Yahoo! Weather.  The success handler will find the response
    //object in its second argument:
    function successHandler(id, o){
        Y.log("Success handler called; handler will parse the retrieved XML and insert into DOM.", "info", "example");
        var root = o.responseXML.documentElement;
        var oTitle = root.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
        var oDateTime = root.getElementsByTagName('lastBuildDate')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
        var descriptionNode = root.getElementsByTagName('description')[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
        div.set("innerHTML", "<p>" + oTitle + "</p>" + "<p>" + oDateTime + "</p>" + descriptionNode);
        Y.log("Success handler is complete.", "info", "example");

    Assemble the Querystring and Initiate the Transaction

    The Yahoo! Weather RSS feed requires a simple HTTP GET request with a base URL and a querystring containing the required information as a name-value pair. In this example, we will use the following parameter:

    • p — location as U.S. Zip Code or Location ID

    The following are some example Location IDs (do not include the city name):

    • Beijing: CHXX0008
    • Helsinki: FIXX0002
    • London: UKXX0085
    • Moscow: RSXX0063
    • Munich: GMXX0087
    • Paris: FRXX0076
    • Riyadh: SAXX0017
    • Tokyo: JAXX0085

    For more details on the Yahoo! Weather RSS feed and other location IDs, please visit http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/index.html.

    Function getModule retrieves the input values for location and creates a querystring:

    //When the Get RSS button is clicked, this function will fire
    //and compose/dispatch the IO request:
    function getModule(){
        //Get the input value:
        var iZip = Y.one('#zip').get("value");
        //Create a querystring from the input value:
        var queryString = encodeURI('?p=' + iZip);
        //The Yahoo! Weather feed.
        var entryPoint = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss';
        //Compile the full URI for the request:
        var sUrl = entryPoint + queryString;
        Y.log("Submitting request; zip code: " + iZip, "info", "example");
        //Make the reqeust:
        var request = Y.io(sUrl, {
    //Add the click handler to the Get Weather RSS button as soon
    //as the Flash transport has loaded, indicated by the firing
    //of event "io:xdrReady".
    Y.on('io:xdrReady', function() {
        var btn = Y.one("#getWeather");
        btn.set("disabled", false);
        //Use the Event Utility to wire the Get RSS button
        //to the getModule function.
        Y.on("click", getModule, "#getWeather");

    Full Script Source

    Here is the full JavaScript source for this example:

    <form id="wForm">
        <label>Zip Code or Location ID</label> <input type="text" id="zip" value="94089">
        <p>Please enter a U.S. Zip Code or a Location ID to get the current temperature.  The default is Zip Code 94089 for Sunnyvale, California; its location ID is: USCA1116.</p>
    <div id="weatherModule">
        <li>Weather RSS data will appear here.</li>
    <input type="button" value="Get Weather RSS" id="getWeather" disabled="disabled">
    <script language="javascript">
    YUI({ filter:'raw' }).use("io-xdr", "node",
        function(Y) {
            //Get a Node reference to the div we'll use for displaying
            var div = Y.one('#weatherModule');
            //Configure the cross-domain transport:
            var xdrConfig = {
                id:'flash', //We'll reference this id in the xdr configuration of our transaction.
                src:'io.swf' //Relative path to the .swf file from the current page.
            //Define a function to handle a successful response from
            //Yahoo! Weather.  The success handler will find the response
            //object in its second argument:
            function successHandler(id, o){
                Y.log("Success handler called; handler will parse the retrieved XML and insert into DOM.", "info", "example");
                var root = o.responseXML.documentElement;
                var oTitle = root.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
                var oDateTime = root.getElementsByTagName('lastBuildDate')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
                var descriptionNode = root.getElementsByTagName('description')[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
                div.set("innerHTML", "<p>" + oTitle + "</p>" + "<p>" + oDateTime + "</p>" + descriptionNode);
                Y.log("Success handler is complete.", "info", "example");
            //Provide a function that can help debug failed
            function failureHandler(id, o){
                Y.log("Failure handler called; http status: " + o.status, "info", "example");
                div.set("innerHTML", o.status + " " + o.statusText);
            //When the Get RSS button is clicked, this function will fire
            //and compose/dispatch the IO request:
            function getModule(){
                //Get the input value:
                var iZip = Y.one('#zip').get("value");
                //Create a querystring from the input value:
                var queryString = encodeURI('?p=' + iZip);
                //The Yahoo! Weather feed.
                var entryPoint = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss';
                //Compile the full URI for the request:
                var sUrl = entryPoint + queryString;
                Y.log("Submitting request; zip code: " + iZip, "info", "example");
                //Make the request:
                var request = Y.io(sUrl, {
                    xdr: {
                        use:'flash', //This is the xdrConfig id we referenced above.
                        dataType:'xml' //Indicate the data are XML, not string.
            //Add the click handler to the Get Weather RSS button as soon
            //as the Flash transport has loaded:
            Y.on('io:xdrReady', function() {
                var btn = Y.one("#getWeather");
                btn.set("disabled", false);
                //Use the Event Utility to wire the Get RSS button
                //to the getModule function.
                Y.on("click", getModule, "#getWeather");
            Y.log("When you retrieve weather RSS data, relevant steps in the process will be reported here in the logger/console.", "info", "example");