Forms & Links
See below for the Forms and Links your Players, Coaches and Administrators will need...
Player Forms:
1) YSSL Player Commitment Form (2024 - 2025) - Completed by the parent when the player commits to the club and is retained by the club.
2) Spanish YSSL Player Commitment Form (2024-2025) - Sera completado por los padres cuando el jugador está comprometido con el club y el club lo retiene.
3) English - IYSA Emergency Medical Release & Liability Waiver - (updated 6/22/22) Completed by the parent when the player has committed to the club and the form is retained by the Club.
4) Español - IYSA Exencion de Emergencia Medica y Exencion de Responsabilidad - (updated 2/14/24) Sera completado por los padres cuando el jugador está comprometido con el club y el club lo retiene.
Club Forms:
1) Organization Statement of Understanding & Agreement- Must be completed by the club and uploaded to the club page each year by August 1st (Fall teams) and by March 1st (Spring only teams) (updated 1/4/23)
2) Certificate of Insurance (COI) for park, gym or field. Please use this LINK to be directed to the IYSA website Forms page and scroll down to the Insurance Forms section.
3) Notification to Travel Form - This is the form your team will need to complete if they are traveling out of state for a tournament or competition. Please contact the IYSA directly if you have more questions.
IYSA Links for Midwest Conference Teams:
1) Apply for Illinois Midwest Conference - If your team has chosen MRL for their division in YSSL you must also click the link to apply through Got Soccer
IYSA Link for State Premiership Divisions:
1) Applying for IYSA Premiership Divisions - If your team has chosen IYSA Premiership for their division in YSSL you must also apply through Got Soccer
Fall Statewide Tournaments run by the IYSA
1) State Cup Registration - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy with the IYSA (Boys 13U & 15U-19U Spring Only)
1b) State Cup 14U Only Registration Link - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy with the IYSA (Fall registration 14U only)
2) President's Cup Registration - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy with the IYSA (Boys 13U & 15U-19U Spring Only)
2b) President's Cup 14U Only Registration Link - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy with the IYSA(Fall registration 14U only)
3) Illinois Cup Registration - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy from the IYSA (Boys 13U-19U Fall & Spring)
4) Junior Cup Registration - Any additional questions please contact Chris Jamrozy from the IYSA (Fall Only Registration)
Coach Links:
Important: For background check / safesport please view the information on our home page, under Coaching Pass Requirements.
1) Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sports Training Link - one of the requirements to obtain your coaching pass
2) IYSA Concussion Notification Form
Insurance Claim Forms:
Please use this LINK to be directed to the IYSA website Forms page and scroll down to the Insurance Forms section.
last updated: 01/10/25 08:16am