Safesport Links

-   Requirement for 18+ athletes - all players who turn 18 MUST complete Safesport Training: click here for US Soccer Abuse Prevention Policy

SafeSport Parent Training Requirement

The Center for SafeSport and U.S. Soccer require all member leagues and clubs with minor athletes to offer the Center for SafeSport’s Parent Training on an annual basis. They are not required to track completion of parent training but should document how and when it was offered. The Center’s Parent Training is available free of charge without an access code. Parent training is accessible here: Link

SafeSport Player Training Requirement

The Center for SafeSport and U.S. Soccer require all member leagues and clubs to offer training to minor athletes. They are not required to track completion of player training but should document how and when it was offered. Minor athlete training modules are available for minor athletes ranging in age from preschool up through high school and can be accessed free of charge here: Link

 last updated: 06/18/24 06:21pm